Sunday March 10th. Micah Dudley joined us for our Sunday afternoon dinner, as did Devin Harney, and John and Jass Ortiz.
Yvonne tried a new recipe for pork chops…cooking them in apples and onions. They were really good! I think it’s a keeper. She always tries new recipes with the folks that come over. I’ve suggested in the past that she try them out on me first. But she just says, “Naw, they’ll like it.” And they usually do! She also made green beans and mashed potatoes with buttermilk. And of course, her famous homemade bread. Yesterday it was wheat bread.

Good thing she made two loaves, because the guys and I finished off one loaf before we even sat down for dinner! It was ice cream and Italian Pizzellis (store bought) for dessert.

Then we went into the living room (it’s more comfortable in there). We had a nice time of worship, singing some fairly well known hymns: Jesus I Come, Amazing Grace, and Count Your Blessings. Everybody did a really nice job of singing!
I read 1 John 1:8-2:4 and talked about God cleansing our consciences from the guilt of our sins when we ask Him to forgive us. So many people walk around with a huge load of guilt because of sins they’ve committed in the past. But that was the very reason God the Father sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross. To provide THE way for us to have our sins forgiven. But we have to open our hearts and invite Him in. God doesn’t want us walking around guilt ridden, but forgiven, cleansed from a guilty conscience, and FREE!
Then we shared prayer requests and prayed together.
It was a good afternoon!!!!