It was a cold rainy weekend in February but we still had a good time!. Friday night Todd came in from Lynchburg on his Reserve duty. I asked Yvonne to make her phenomenal chili and cornbread for dinner. Evan Kaul said he was coming over, and when he got here he had Shawn Briscoe with him! And, surprise! surprise! Jamie Beer came over too! After that I was REALLY glad I asked Yvonne to make the chili!

Shawn shuffling the cards

The new automatic shuffler works GREAT! John and Jass Ortiz got it for us for Christmas. Thank you so much! It makes shuffling the cards so much easier.

Yvonne focused on dealing the cards
Jamie covering her face with a “Phase 10” card
My perfunctory “moustache” picture. It’s getting longer!

After dinner we played “Phase 10” one of Todd’s favorite games. He won too! Evan and Shawn had another engagement to go to so they had to leave early. We paused the game and shared prayer requests and prayed together. Then Jamie, Todd, Yvonne. and I resumed the game. I ended up LAST!

Todd won! He got the weekly winners trophy.

Sunday morning I fixed scrambled eggs and Todd and Yvonne and I ate together before Todd went to work and then back to Lynchburg and Yvonne and I went to Ocean Lakes Church. Later that evening Devin Harney came over to visit for a while after having to do a lot of things to get ready for his ship’s schedule.

Todd showing Yvonne a video on his phone before we all went our own ways