Is It Really Urgent To Reach Your Family For Jesus Christ?
By Julie Williams
(Intro and Summary by Dr. John Wagner)
If you’ve ever thought “I have plenty of time to tell them about Jesus.” read the following true story by Julie Williams. Julie was just a young Christian herself when this happened. She accepted Christ as her Savior in our home on Easter Sunday April 16, 1995.
“It was April [1997] when my step-father passed away from a sudden heart attack. Just one month before his death we had been siting in his front room; just the two of us, when he asked me about Jesus. I was completely caught off guard. This strong man with all the answers to everything is asking me a question? He told me that he tried to pray, but just didn’t get it. What were these people feeling that he wasn’t? I got scared. How could I ever begin to explain the true love & glory that God brings to one’s life, and even if I got that far, how do I start…? Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to bring my step-father to the Lord. At his funeral I was rattled with grief and guilt. I knew then that God had wanted me to help him and I had not done my job. I vowed to myself that very day that if I could bring just one person to know Jesus in my life time it would be good.
A few months passed and my 16 year old niece, Rebecca, came to Grand Junction from Kansas. She saw my Bible sitting out on the table and started asking a few questions. I thought ‘This is my chance, don’t blow it, God’s watching.’ I opened my Bible to my favorite spot, I Corinthians 13. I told her what love is and that I loved her so much and that I wanted her to have this Bible that I got from my friend John before I accepted the Lord into my life. She hugged me tight and we prayed together to accept the Lord in her heart. I told her if she had any questions just let me know and we would look them up together. A week later she went back to Kansas. Little did I know this would be the last time I would ever see her alive.
Two months later she and a friend were killed in a car accident involving a semi-truck. As I sat at her funeral filled with grief that my baby was gone, I knew that God was smiling down on me because I led her to Him and guided her for the two months after she returned to Kansas, and my sweet little girl was with Jesus.”
The lesson Julie learned is one of the most important of her life! We never know when our lives, or the lives of our loved ones, will end. I can’t say what the ultimate destiny of Julie’s step-father was. But, I know God is a God of compassion. The fact that he asked Julie about Jesus tells me he was searching and saw something in Julie’s life. I believe God knew what was in his heart and will judge him accordingly. The important thing to see here is that Julie didn’t miss the opportunity to lead her niece to Jesus Christ! Who would have thought she would die at such a young age? Will you take the opportunities that are presented to you – or will you let them pass by thinking there will be “plenty of time?”